Dr. Ashwini Handal
Surgical techniques for the treatment of tongue-tie in children: a comparative study. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Atishkumar Gujrathi, Vijayalakshmi Ambulgekar.
Effects of steam inhalation on nasal mucociliary clearance in normal individuals and nasal disease state. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, Atishkumar Gujrathi, Vijayalakshmi Ambulgekar.
Our Story
NINAD CLINIC is one of the leading centers for the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat in Pune Maharashtra. Established by Dr. ASHWINI HANDAL in 2019, Serving with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Dr. Ashwini Handal performs mini-endaural surgery for the treatment of chronically discharging ears. He has also introduced a proprietary method of hearing reconstruction using the patient’s own tissues for a reliable, stable, long-term postoperative hearing result. Dr. Ashiwini performs mini-endaural surgery for the treatment of chronically discharging ears. The surgery is performed from inside the ear, thus avoiding an ugly scar.
The Clinic is equipped with the latest equipment, including state of the art Zeiss operating microscopes, Karl Storz instruments, Lumenis Laser, Xomed debriders, digital cameras, a complete audiology suite, and another state of art facilities. Teaching postgraduate students operative procedures. Taking tutorials and lectures of undergraduate, postgraduate students.